An Application of Spectroscopy to Ray-Tracing Rendering
The following renders were created by Luxrender's Terrence Vergauwen based on the author's spectral
distribution data (SPD) data found in The Double
Amici Prism Spectroscope and on other data the author provided the Luxrender
development team with. The conversion process can be summarized as follows:
Complete conversion process diagram for final scenes
The success of these renders can be ascertained by comparing them with actual photos
of scenes illuminated by some of these lamps in The Author's
Lamp Collection document. In the author's opinion, the renders on this page, easily
cross the boundary between real and imaginary, hence they can justifiably be called
supremely beautiful, in the aesthetic sense. (All photos below property and
courtesy of Terrence Vergauwen of Luxrender).
Room illuminated by a Clear High Pressure Mercury Vapor lamp. SPD: [1.4.1].
Room illuminated by four bi-component warm triphosphor fluorescents lamps. SPD:
The following renders were made based on the author's SPD and additional data for the
zinc lamp the author provided the developers with.
Zinc lamps diagram render, based on structural data the author provided the
developers with.
Zinc lamps diagram render, with one lamp lit and the other lamps resonating. SPD:
From left to right: zinc, rubidium and mercury lamps. SPD: [1.8.4], [1.8.2] and [1.4.1].
From left to right: metal halide (Hg/Na/In/Tl), argon and xenon flash lamps. SPD:
[1.6.1], [1.9.5]
and [1.12.1].
From left to right: daylight halophosphate fluorescent, warm-white halophosphate
fluorescent and bi-component triphosphor fluorescent lamps. SPD: [1.3.1], [1.3.2] and [1.3.3].
Random selection from the categories HPM, MH and various other categories, with
Wattage taken into account.
Diode section. Blue LED, Red Diode Laser and Green Laser. SPD: [1.7.1], [1.7.2] and
All the lamps shown in The Double Amici Prism
Spectroscope document, from top to bottom and left to right.
It's a fairly good exercise in color science to try to match each lamp separately
with the corresponding spectrum on the previous page.
All the spectra on The Double Amici Prism Spectroscope page have been
reverse-engineered by a Luxrender user. For details, check Luxrender forum's Lamp Spectra Page (requires free registration).