(Requiem Aeternam for) The Titan of Χάος

Version 1.7.3b7 of 29/4/2022-7:38 a.m.
(expected date of completion: limk→0f(€k,t) for t=dd/mm/yy, for 1.8.b0)

“This is a mournful discovery.
Those who agree with you are insane.
Those who do not agree with you are in power.” --- Philip K. Dick, VALIS

Yiannis Galidakis at home working
Research Contact

|-> Planned updates (as of 20/3/2021@3:14):

  1. Add contact ref. for D. Lappas (6974384331), Panagiotis Prokopiou (8842568), Sp. Rigos (9313616), Dora Eudemonos (69834582278), and mother's (9812-990) for case of emergency verification of added ref. events.
  2. d1:
  3. d2:
  4. d4:
  5. d2:
  6. d3:
  7. d4:
  8. d5:
  9. d6:
  10. d6: Musical theme for a grand fugue
  11. d7:
  12. d8:
  13. d9:
  14. s10:
  15. d14:
  16. d15:
  17. d16:
  18. d17:
  19. d11:
  20. d12:
  21. d13:
  22. d18:
  23. d19:
  24. d20:
  25. d21:
  26. The "problem" of the miasma. A connection between the miasma and reoccurring polypses in 1972? Did somebody try to infect my Father at the Ministry in 1972? VERY likely, either through "name" [contact] or some other infiltrating Ioannides backstabbing agent who wanted power priviledges in a related domain[25], [26]. Summarizing: Tracking/trapping/blackmail methods for the powerful[129].
  27. Moon rocks as "gifts" to all friendly govs. Expand on this later: What is it with the Moon, anyway? Add details from letter.txt about what contact with Moon material does: Hint: Immune System Deficiency. In Greek: "Λύσις Ανοσοποιητικού Συστήματος". Connections with the movie The Year We Make Contact: The original message wasn't "Stay away from Europa". It was "Stay Away from the Moon", which the highest degree Freemasons[25] knew all along - from having kept the "correct" interpretation(s) of what was the original "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" (Hint: It wasn't an Apple). A certain Excellent Scientist and Engineer from the Papadopoulos government tries to warn the Americans about the trip... The connection with later semi-symbolics and pseudo-narratives, like Apollo 18, trying to explain the unexplainable. The infection of this author, with the miasma in 1971 ([46.], below, [(nose polyps)] and [6.3]). Best way to target the powerful, is by first incapacitating their offspring. The usual stuff... (the Onassis' connection).
  28. d22: The time machine solution alternative.
  29. dx: Relation of Arvo Part's Fratres theme and Ralph Vaughan Williams - Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis with a visit to Switzerland in 1974 after Cyprus events? New Fugue King's theme? Relation with Joke-Fugue theme? Musical re-agents and memory recall
  30. Why does "name" relocate to Switzerland and when? The miasma connection and "name". "name" and the author's polyps infection by miasmatic staph aureus and dr. Pantazopoulos @Ippokrateion, 1971[31.6.3.]. First attempt at blackmail against Father[129]. The Giger connection. The movie Alien in 1979. The connection of the movie with the Moon landing. The help of theosophist-wannabe Fotios Rouch with giving of the book Giger's Alien at times of crisis. The Derelict in movie Alien. Giger's prior agent Barany and communication. The Derelict on top of yochannanakis' head in Vlad Tepes. Vlad Tepes' skull and constraining the miasma. Sensing how Father Arvo Pt.1:1:01:01(*) felt during the first trip to Switzerland, 1974. The time of big trouble. Memory recall through the help of music vectorial-memetics. The origin of the word "meme" and the origin of the meme-phrase "in time dt". Request for help from idiot son (this author), but disappointed that he may be unable to deliver. Vlad Tepes' skull and Father's cranium. Father's bones and symbolic personal belongings nowhere to be found or in possession of "name" till today (or sold to the turks by "name" and currently residing in Smyrna?). The search for Father's bones at A' cemetery. Transfer records lost. Contact with a private investigator (ex-policeman Μιχαλαρέας: "Costas Michalareas": ereunitis78@gmail.com) for advice. The huge cranium graffiti at Iera Odos, near Agricultural University's main entrance (move down with AUA stuff)
  31. "name" & stamati connection. The always fake financial status of "name". Possible connection with later assassination attempt of K. Karamanlis (Grylakis ref.) for seeking alternate energy resources. Papadopoulos's attempt to innovate Energy Power production using Nuclear Power and how he was blocked from doing so. The final shut down of Democritus and the constraint.
  32. Symbolic representations of "name" and my mother, by Giger on the net (WARNING! Graphic content. View at own risk).
  33. Emergency update instructions at References
  34. Add links to archived emails at mil.gov.gr about the nuclear design plans as public service work offering in exchange for discharge transcript i5 because of the shock from the death of Father, in 1993. Denied access to conscription records at Tripoli, Sep. 1993 after email to: pubrel.124pbe@haf.gr (add photo as new conscript here). "name" has requested all conscription records be erased to prove this author is unpatriotic and leftist/communist (among other things). ICANN.org resigns complaint case #0988882 against cybersquatter (current owner of): virtualcomposer2000.com. Hence no redirects to this website from old backward online links for the case filed with name trademark copyright infringement for the name of my Macintosh Program with ICANN.org., which handles name trademark infringement issues. So, GOOD LUCK, PrivacyGuardian and NameSilo with your "new" hosting den of SD-666 aggregates which will munch your visitors' brains to breadcrumbs, any time now.
  35. 3/6/2021: PM Koulis Mitsotakis and most major political factors-INCOMPETENT to handle the case of my Father, as still part of the shut-up cover-up since 1974 - along with ALL metapoliteusi gov.s, pretending they know nothing about the names "Νικόλαος I. Γαλιδάκης" and "Γιάννης Γαλιδάκης"[76], [89], [17]. Further? The INFINITE SILENCE of the Abyss. D. Lappas: "name" related to an island in the Aegean from the good old back days, in exchange for extended silence from the Americans.
  36. The author's opinion of "name"
  37. The author's opinion of his mother
  38. The author's opinion of his Father: The absolute and only monumental Genius on this planet for the last 2,000 years - the only human being able to constrain/contain the infectious miasma of plague and death that came from the dark side/Rx/MRSA after Jul. 1969 - as revealed by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, dead at 56 (x/11/1929-16/6/1986), after being accused of being a fascist-xoudikos[59]/violent[efsyn] scum/kathiki[45]/pederast[65], incompetent/irrelevant[29./32./46.47.]/morally reprehensible[11] and conspired against by "name"'s influence and everywhere on the planet, including all governments and agents of influence and constantly defamed since 1973 by all modern Greek governments[17] (add Civil Engineering work names that have changed/disappeared (3D bridge-Syggrou/bridge-Gallikus other works from the resume [36], etc.). RIP Dad, I love you: |-> Second generation 666 Rea-dog-hunter יוֹחָנָן-akian agents: morph-ii-666 have been launched and are out there tracking and hunting everybody connected with this [46.] cr*p already on your behalf and with final destination: rue crespen (22/3/2021:10:40am).
  39. Back-track and work on filling up all references with data from the archives, until 1.8.b0
  40. <-|

«είς εμοί μύριοι, εάν άριστος ήι» - Ηράκλειτος

Father at work 1  Father at work 2  Father at work 3 
Left: Arriving at school infrastructure inauguration as Secretary-General of the Ministry of Education & Religion;
Middle: Surrounded by teachers & local consultants, inspecting the school's amphitheater;
Right: Leaving the school amidst students, consultants & teachers (news: 18/12/1972).

My Father was a very strange intellectual phenomenon, whose magnitude cannot be described except in meager terms and with lots of caution, because any valuation, even by his son, remains subjective, being prone to erroneous judgments by a necessarily lesser intelligence.

He was born in 1929 - approximately a month after Black Thursday. As a child[59] he graduated first in his high school (Pireus 3-rd Gymnasium[106]) with a grade of 19+7/11. Under the Greek National Examination System in 1947 he subsequently entered the Civil Engineering department of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) after high school, ranking seventh in the entire country[1].

Asking my uncle who took part in the same exams during the year 1945, the total number of candidates were ~800 for the school of Civil Engineering at NTUA and approximating the scores of the exam for year 1947 using a normal distribution with σ=15, we get using Maple:

> p:=(x,sigma,mu)->exp(-(x-mu)^2/(2*sigma^2));#normal distribution

Assuming that the number of total candidates for this school didn't vary very much between 1945 and 1948, we note that the sample space (800) should approximately equal the integral of the distribution, so we can normalize as follows:

> A:=evalf(solve(A*Int(p(x,15,100),x=0..200)=800,A));#find normalization constant for sample of 800
> P:=(x,sigma,mu)->A*p(x,sigma,mu);#normalized distribution for Greek National exams for NTUA civil engineering for year 1947

> with(plots):
> plot(P(iq,15,100),iq=0..200);

normal distribution of IQ's during Father's exam
Normal distribution of IQ's corresponding to exam results in 1947

A rank of 7-th in 800 then, corresponds to an IQ of:

> evalf(solve(int(P(x,15,100),x=0..t)=793,t));

My mother's testimony was that when she was dating him during his university years, his fellow students referred to him as "Einstein".

During the period 1952-1955 he served initially as Assistant and later as Reservist Ensign Mechanical Engineer in the Naval Command of Crete and the General Naval Staff, in N.A.T.O.'s Office of Research and Supervision Infrastructure.

From the year 1955 and upon his lawful dismissal from the Navy, he served until 1959 as a contractor Mechanical Supervisor of N.A.T.O.'s Construction Research department.

Resigning in 1959, he cooperated with the Civil Construction Company "Eupalinos" until the year 1961, when he left and founded his own construction company which he kept until 1967.

During the period 1959-1961 he served as a Supervisor Civil Engineer in the department of "Structural Mechanics and Elements of Technical Constructions" and during the period 1966-1967 he served as a Supervisor Civil Engineer in the department of "Statics and Iron Bridges" under NTUA professor E. Panayiotounakos.

Some of his successfully finished work in Civil Engineering is presented in [36]. For the last one, his reputation as an excellent engineer reached all the way to NAE and Hubert Rusch, who commented very highly of it.

In 1967 he submitted his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and Applied Mathematics in the area of the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity at NTUA[17]. His thesis was of fundamental importance to the later development of the Theory of Elasticity using Complex Variables and can be used to explain a plethora of phenomena, like Lightning[3].

Subsequently he was appointed by the (then) National Government to the position of Secretary General in the Ministry of Education and Religion[4], and in 1970 he was appointed a full-fledged professor at NTUA[38].

Father at work 4
Inspecting patents of newly invented engineering machinery as Secretary General for the Ministry of Education & Religion, in 1969[23].

Drapetsona Public School  Father at work 4  Father at work 5
Inaugurating Public Library at Drapetsona School as Secretary General of the Ministry of Education & Religion (news: 20/11/1970).

Besides serving in the above governmental position and completing insane amounts of work for the Ministry[4], [23], he also helped a plethora of people (including friend and foe) by performing several favors after being bombarded by the corresponding requests and he never used his position of power for personal[61] or financial gain, as a result of which his property[70] remained exactly the same after this government was deposed, in 1973[4], [13].

Besides being an engineer, he was a very strong chess player[5], a superb player of keyboard music[6], an expert sketcher and painter[90], an expert poet[7], an expert butterfly stroke swimmer[8], an expert hunter[9] and a fully informed amateur astronomer[10]. He commanded expertly several difficult areas in Mathematics and Physics, such as Geometry, Analytic Geometry, Complex Analysis, Real Analysis[33], Number Theory[34], Set Theory, Group Theory[35], and Advanced Physics[26] and Mechanics[15.1-5], and spoke fluently several languages, such as German, French, Italian and English, besides his native (Ancient, Koine, Katharevousa and Demotic) Greek[11], [82].

In 1973 he left Greece[13] and became a permanent citizen of Switzerland, living there with his second "wife" until the time of his death.

Although he separated from my mother in 1973 (officially in 1975) and left our family, according to her testimony again, while we were together he was a perfect husband and a excellent Father to me, until he divorced my mother[111]. She always remarks that when they were together he never boasted about his intelligence[12].

I was told that he died[73] in 1986 of a heart attack, but I never saw him dead[122], because I was a student in the States, so I couldn't make it to his funeral[85]. The year he died was the year of Halley's comet. Several major disasters occurred just before his death: The Challenger disaster in the US five months before the date of his death and the Chernobyl disaster in Russia two months before the date of his death. At the time of his death, I was a senior at U of I, close to getting my degree in Mathematics[13]. After being notified of his death, I lost 20 kilos, became delusional and had a bout with paranoia and depression which overall took me 20 years to overcome. I barely made it to graduation[105]. One year after his death Black Monday occured.

Before his death, he created such a complex will[25], a team of lawyers was unable to solve the grand puzzle he specified in his will for 23 years, until I figured out that it was unsolvable as it was meant to completely deadlock the inheritance to me (and possibly to his second "wife")[14], [111].

He also managed to enter the internet records without any effort on my part although he never used computers himself[15].

My Father was a genius of such monstrous magnitude, to the point where just being the son of such a man creates severe psychological and emotional problems, particularly after his son (this author) has been an almost complete financial failure.

As far as I am aware, he was the only human who managed to climb the ladder of social power so fast. I am not aware of any other human being who, at the age of 35-38 had achieved so much in one's life.

His existence on this planet was, for lack of better wording, a monumental epiphany, and a strange contradiction([134]). A lesser intelligence (such as mine) cannot fully comprehend the repercussions from the coming and passing of a genius of the caliber of my Father, so his existence and his influence on me will remain an unresolvable and mysterious grand dilemma ([137]).

When my Father was alive, the world was an infinite playground. After he died, the world transformed into the worst nightmare imaginable ([30], [142]).


References constructed[37] by bringing data-references down from update list above, in order, and recursively added down on the list below by increasing ref. numbers shown, as work progresses, until update list exhausted to version 1.8.b0. Updating, always starting from first data ref. above and removing after completely referencing all data in references below.

  1. According to a surviving CV document of his. See[36].
  2. At the age of 18! Research on the IQ's variability through time suggests an average increase of (at least) about 3 points per decade, up to middle age (~60). At the time of his death therefore at 56, it'd be closer to something like 147.
  3. The crack that develops on the Hilbert Kernel under strain or stress has a Lichtenberg multi-linear fractal profil.
  4. Even though he was politically neutral when appointed to this position in 1968, he didn't very much appreciate communism[138] intellectually, so naturally, subsequent communist propaganda found a way to blame him[115] for it: The communist Athens Polytechnic student uprising in 1973 caused him to lose both jobs, of course: As Secretary-General because the government fell (Ioannides junda) so he was naturally replaced and as professor because he happened to be implicitly associated with the government through the previous appointment (One of the reasons - among others, he left Greece and moved to Switzerland - to avoid persecution, that is[13]). It's worthy to note that up to 1974 the school he was appointed professor at while in the government (NTUA), was ranking among the top 50 schools in the world. Today, it ranks only among the top 800. Tells you something about what communist interference after 1974 in public schools & Universities has done to the modern Greek educational system.
  5. With an approximate ELO rating of 2,100-2,200 points according to his own testimony and from another of his surviving letters (evaluating position for me on page 6 of 27/6/1984 letter). Also [31.18].
  6. A much better keyboard player than I was or will ever be even after intensive piano studies, whom I remember playing many Hatzidakis pieces by ear on the piano - with full harmonic chord accompaniment(![91]), after listening to them on the radio, Perfect Accordion and Electronic pedal Organ when this author's cousins visited Switzerland in 1975-1976.
  7. Having read some of his published poems.
  8. Having seen him swim when we were vacationing when I was a kid.
  9. Him hunting often partriges on the mountains of Greece with his friend Panagiotis Prokopiou.
  10. In one of our discussions when I was 16 (~1980), he told me for the first time that stars always look like pin-point images, no matter what the magnification. This fact remained true, until recently when very large telescopes were able to resolve big supergiant stars, such as Betelgeuse. In 1984 he bought for me the giant 11x80 Chinon pair of binoculars to use as amateur astronomy equipment specifically for dark skies. The owner of the store ΦΩΤΟ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ was begging him to buy for me larger equipment at much lower prices, knowing who he was and what his buying-reputation could do to his store. After consulting with the technical brochures for the new then C8, he finally decided to take a look at Astrophysics, so he sent a letter to Roland Christen who replied with the best choice advice from the company back then and two photos: The 5" F6 504 GEM and a high-quality diffraction-limited photo taken with it of the Orion Nebula. The latter photo has been lost. It was very similar to this photo.
    5 F6 504 GEM
    Photo of 5" F6 504 GEM sent to my Father in 1985.
  11. I now understand why he always wore a Rolex (only the Excellent/Άριστος[31], the one who always excels in everything) and a 24-karat gold ring with an amethyst stone which had etched on it the face of a little child[21].
  12. The impact he had on my mother's life was such that my mother chose to not even think of dating anyone else after her divorce with him, until this day. Her excuse for that was "didn't want to influence this author negatively through a surrogate second father". The actual reason may be different, however, related to her unwillingness to "downgrade" in terms of various gifts and services provided by my Father[14].
  13. In one of his letters to me (dated 1984), he presented the problem of finding all solutions to the equation ab=ba, which is of fundamental importance to tetration research, the area I later published in, having completely forgotten about his letter.
  14. He deadlocked his inheritance to me intentionally, by transferring his own financial debts for his second "wife" to me(!) by declaring me financially responsible for them (i.e. I had to counter pay her to absolve his debt to her using my legal share of the inheritance), using a loophole in Greek Law: An inheritor does not only inherit money and property but debts as well. As a result, I've been engaged in legal battles over my part of the inheritance against his second "wife" for 34 years and still haven't got a penny from any of his property. Any average intelligence parent would first care about one's own offspring (financial) survival and then about other obligations - including debts to other people. That's a pretty bad and low-level intelligence parenting mistake, excused only vis-a-vis some sort of intellectual or psychological derangement from possible (financial or other) blackmail[6.3], [76] by his second "wife"[129]. In any case, with his entire association and falling emotional prey to an inappropriate person[19] for his intelligence's caliber, he just left more of a disappointing overall intelligence legacy, rather than anything else. It's as if his entire work went to waste in favor of his second "wife" - that's what he claims in his will[25] anyway. His latest letter however, appears completely contradictory to his official will. Meanwhile, his second "wife" has started a second claim[5] against this author's legal inheritance share, not being very satisfied after the Supreme Court decided for a fair split-up of 50/50 between me and her.
  15. Google scholar reports his Ph.D. as cited. Another citation is given here[22] and yet another here[107]. He also published several articles in the area of Theoretical Elasticity in the Greek Engineering journal Technical Chronicles, for example (in Greek[18]):
    1. Rectangular grates of upper-structures (Traegerrosten) and foundations.
    2. The two dimensional stress problem on a specific nature of anisotropy.
    3. On the half-infinite elastic disks displayed on the half-plane Y<0.
    4. The rigid elliptic kernel in the generally anisotropic disk.
    5. Application of the properties of the Cauchy integral on solving the general problem of non-turbulent flow around a certain "profil".
  16. I was very lucky in the sense that the workload record left by my Father in Mathematics was reasonably manageable, so I was at least able to do some minimal work there. Details on this article. I suspect it would have been easier to manage if I'd chosen a different field of specialty, altogether: On a field trip to a new toy store, back in 1972 or thereabouts, he asked me "what do you want as a new toy"? I really liked a mini-Caterpillar truck with a nice visible differential shown underneath it, so I answered the call with that. He insisted: "Are you sure you don't want the 2,000 piece puzzle of the nice visual scene x?" I answered: "I want the truck..." after which trouble followed...
  17. The original document has been digitized by the University of California[20] and is available for reading at the National Library of Greece and at EKT. A translation of this document in English can be read at Research Gate. He was awarded the title of Doctor of Civil Engineering by NTUA in 1968.
  18. If you happen to be interested in English translations of these contact me.
  19. A person that proved to be ultimately detrimental for his physical health in 1986, after kicking him out of their relationship and living place - instead of protecting him financially after his tremendous financial strain - being a perpetual outcast of Greece's financial workspace and workplace[4], with a divorce[111] specifically designed and forced by blackmail in exchange for his entire real estate property - including my legal inheritance share. A person who eventually sold most of his prior common belongings with my mother's previous household, including expensive paintings and cash property shares from real estate sale deals completed just before his death date and copyright holdings for some of his prior work. A person of doubtful mental health and moral character[147] - through a troubled relationship with her own parents (even by admission of this Metropolitan to my mother, who visited Thessaloniki with Father in 1972[109]), also likely involved in many earlier suspicious activities related to dubious beliefs (after her own admission(!) on an arranged meeting date in 1986 after his death) and with a later history of suspicious financial connections and dealings with people in positions of power[6.1], in exchange for 'services' provided, at one time or another, after the death of my Father.
  20. Probably illegally, and it's now freely available at the National Library of Greece and at EKT (National Center for Documentation). Am in the process of finding out how it was gained access to by both Google and U of C, as we speak. Google is silent on the issue and refuses to disclose the book's "patron".
  21. The current possessor of both objects is the person mentioned above[19]. That person's sarcastic and pretentious words after a phonecall in 1998: "When are you going to finally assume your responsibilities, so I can give you his watch and ring, to start...?"[sic] (See [147]). This, after not bulging into her requests for willful resignation from my legal share of the inheritance, in which case she'd be able to legally grab even my pants, under the will's provisions. Also, the current possessor of his two hunting guns, a Benelli sporting shot-gun (personal gift to the author's Father by friend Panagiotis Prokopiou), a 2-barrel semi-antique hunting shotgun, and a Smith and Wesson 38 shot-gun, which he was keeping at his Parthenonos 33 residence for self-defense, later returned to the Local Police dept at Palaio Faliro after he left for Switzerland for a second time in 1978.
  22. Where the authors Theo(c)haris and Ioakimidis at the dept. where my Father was previously appointed full professor in 1970) take advantage of his absence and BOTH undervalue his results ("...Savin[5], Milne-Thomson [6] and Galidakis[7] have considered special cases..." and "More "general cases" of the same problem have been considered by Sih and Liebowitz[11] and Ioakimidis[12] (quoting himself for a "more general" method than that used by my Father(!?)), while the "most general"[sic] case has been recently studied by Krenk[13]...". Okay...) AND use a slight variant of his method by using Cauchy integrals for solving the problem of the simple crack. Even their symbolism(#$@) is almost identical to his thesis'[28]. Otherwise and in other news, this person based even his (@)diploma dissertation on my Father's work (whom he "gratefully" acknowledges on p. 3 of his dissertation) as a student for the latest research on the subject for the anisotropic case in his 1973 dissertation) and later made a fortune "specializing" on this problem - with hundreds of publications on the subject (link1, link2, link3, link4, link5, link6[[41]]) and is now a respectable Professor Emeritus somewhere. God only knows how much theory and method he's plagiarized and used from my Father's Ph.D. thesis.
  23. Brief (work) photo album.
  24. Required "ήθος"/"ethos" for kindergarten teachers and Academy Directors in modern Philosophy: being a prior organized member of EAM/ELAS - a communist revolutionary organization, responsible for the Greek civil war Genocide, mass-murdering thousands of innocent civilians, by throwing them into pits and abducting children to be indoctrinated and sent to countries of the Eastern block, or being a loud Marxist illuminary advocate propagandist, with a desire to brainwash kindergarten children or young adults into a politically oblivious stupor. Something like what's required today of all modern university students to be able to graduate.
  25. Will Nik. Ioan. Galidakis-7/5/1986.
  26. Explaining the spin reversal quriosity upon turning spinning-top upside down while rotating on p. 2 and p. 3 of 27/6/1984 letter.
  27. It is rare in the academic world for a given Ph.D. to also be given full-professorship at the same school the Ph.D. was awarded from. Much more so, immediately after obtaining it. This is a somewhat subtle hint for the importance of his work resume and this had nothing to do with any governmental influence or dictatorial accord. It's certainly not a coincidence that so many lies[11] have been written about him and his work.
  28. Here's a clue to the authors: His thesis does not consider any "special" cases. Only 3 PARTICULAR cases ("First Fundamental Problem" For the Three Basic Charge Cases), applied AFTER his GENERAL solution found on section A, for the GENERAL anisotropy case for the problem of the simple crack on an infinite anisotropic medium - as indicated by the quotes on the corresponding word, which you very conveniently omit in your references so his solution is THE most general, as it covers ALL cases, including yours. I.e., the "most general" method is my Fathers. You should have also checked your solutions against my Father's general solution before publishing a claim for a "more general" solution method, quoting yourself in the references. Too bad my Father didn't have access to this journal or computers after 1976, so he didn't sue both your *sses for both blatant plagiarism and attempted devaluation of the results of his thesis. Not to mention that you grabbed the opportunity to show off the implicit connection of this problem to the Riemann-Hilbert problem ("...One easier way of treating the problem of a straight crack in an infinite anisotropic medium is by reducing it to a Riemann-Hilbert problem (p. 23 of [1]) along the crack through the use of the method of complex potentials in a way analogous to that used by Muskhelishvili [9] for the case of the isotropic medium..." - quoting the exact same reference(!) my Father references in his thesis and using similar Cauchy integrals for his potential functions(!)) Here's a second more subtle clue to the authors: That's exactly the method my Father uses in his thesis to solve for the GENERALIZED (again) anisotropy case, by using the Muskhelishvili transformation. The previous clues proving that you don't have even a rudimentary understanding of my Father's thesis and you willingly plagiarized its core results. If you understood it, you wouldn't have gone searching for more "general" solutions or quoting a reduction to a Riemann-Hilbert problem along the crack, which my Father VERY humbly(10*) mentions on p. 23 (rectangle quote) of his CV. His general solution for the anisotropic case IS the solution of the corresponding Riemann-Hilbert problem for the crack in the context of Complex Variables. That's for problem H#20, in case you are wondering[29].
  29. No end in sight to the rabbit hole of this attempted stealing of deserved credit to my Father for his solution to H#20 in the context of Complex Variables. Tried to revise the corresponding wiki entry in 2014 for #20 (by adding a reference #15 - his Ph.D. thesis from Google books) and it was immediately reverted/denied by this 'applied mathematican' who commented anonymously: "Questionable and self-published source. This "solution" is not recognized and cited in Mathematical Journals". Now that an English version is publised at Research Gate, I wonder how many more eons my dead Father would have to wait to see some minimal justice done with the assigning of the credit for solving H#20 to its proper place. By the way, valid Ph.D. theses are widely accepted as stand-alone references in ALL reputable journals. They don't need to be 'recognized' separately by anonymous 'applied mathematicians' who don't even understand the connection to H#20. It's not cited in any Mathematics journals, but it IS nicely and conveniently cited as an implied/applied solution to H#20 in Civil Engineering here. Google also reports it as cited somewhere, but doesn't say where here. Maybe I should try a page revision on wiki citing this as the solution to H#20. 'Self-published'? Not really. The official publisher is NTUA and the book already sits at the National Library of Greece and now at EKT. That's not quite the same as 'self-published' in case you are wondering. Disappointed and angered by all this mess with wiki, this author posted a help question on meta.math.stackexchange, but had no better luck in getting any assistance for interpretative connections to solving H#20 in the context of the Theory of Elasticity via Complex Variables. It's as if there've not been enough competent Mathematicians throughout all these years (1973-2018) to see through this connection. Or, something else is at play, which I don't even wanna think about right now... And it seems there is: On 25/4/2022 I tried again to revise the corresponding Wiki entry (here) and I was met with denial by this french-Jewish "applied" mathematican, who claimed that the revision was "self-promotion". If pushing your dead Father's name for credit is "self-promotion" I don't know what wouldn't be. Poor dad, the things he had to go through in his life...
  30. I was actually even warned about all this in advance by him, on one occasion in 1970-71, outside a cinema when we went and saw the movie The Pit and the Pendulum, which featured something like that drawn on the cinema's advertising banner. Around this date, trouble started manifesting for him ([43.]) and hence for me. Ever since his death, that "thing" has been watching me and my money on a busy 24/24 schedule. The nightmare even had a name. Fortunately, a cure for this problem is forthcoming, God and some other people helping.
  31. Even his freestyle handwriting, sometimes with erasures for mistakes, always using a fountain pen, is practically a work of art.
    Explaining the solutions to the mutuabola equation[13] ab=ba using parametrization, or discussing FLT to the mathematically decrepid - like yours truly, on a letter in 1984.
    Not only excellent in handwriting, but in many other areas of relevant interest:
    1. Excellent psychology: Humble(*) most of the time and never boasting about his intellectual abilities (mother's and author's references), except only in a jokingly fun and teasing way among peers and (hopefully) understandables[5.], always of low tone and intentions, never forceful or indignant - except against excess stupidity and idiocy and only when extremely annoying or provoked[80]. With a powerful and stable Stoic psychology[138], [133], [140], always dealing with problems very carefully and concluding only after doing extended and meticulous research on any problem. Mostly silent[84] and non-argumentative, except in front of annoying idiocy, where he could easily launch a couple of quick-witted sentences that could harass a spirit to death. Stoically patient and psychologically powerful, could face any hardship with relative ease, except some of his later problems, which finally took a toll on his purely innocent and good-natured heart. Absolutely kind-hearted and well-intentioned towards minorities and the abused, compassionate and understanding of the disabled[40], the whores, gypsies, country folk[39], the life's forcefully uneducated, the poor-weak[79] and employees in dangerous workplaces and spaces, like firemen, policemen (1, 2, 3[81]), gendarms and garbage collectors. Never physically violent (except maybe against the person mentioned in [13]), intentionally downgrading or verbally abusing, but with a very dangerous and sarcastic reciprocal sense of humor when provoked by boasting stupidity[80], [83], which could obliterate any show-off offender in seconds, with a couple of perfectly formed sentences. Cared not for and ignored ungratefulness and always respected authority in higher ranks than him without argumentation. Never publically accusative[140] on wrongdoers or the treacherous, except with an ignoring and very slight ironic smile[31]. A respecter of social norms and practices, he never went against established religious[inauguration] practices and complied with all the required ones, even unto his ascent onto the social power ladder, and never took advantage of his position to abuse employees under his command. The opinion the public service employees at the Ministry had about him, lasted positive for many years after his deposition in 1973[55].
    2. Excellent in appearance. Always well-groomed and well-clothed and keeping up with the latest fashion trends, even at times of great financial stress and general pressure or informality (Lacoste informally and style 1, 2, 3)
    3. Excellent in personal hygiene and cleanliness. Always after at least a shower/bath a day and always wearing his favorite Aramis cologne and body products.
    4. Excellent at restraining instinctual desires and drives, even though a great lover of good food[68], and (respecter[83] of) women[gala2] and very healthily sexually oriented[119].
    5. Excellent in his mannerisms and communication towards other people. No moves in excess and always polite, respectful, and formal.
    6. Excellent as a teacher/instructor/educator and parent[6.3], [6.4], [6.5], (family photo album) to the novice (many hours of tutoring for Vassilis Maroungas - Civil Engineering student with several failed NTUA classes in his history, author as a kid - 6.1. below), NTUA students from his classes at school in the period 1970-1973, high school students who entered University under national examinations with subject questions authorized/approved by him at the Ministry.
      1. Communication letter refs here with many math examples, various toys, cared about general ([71]) & music education, buying of Estonia grand at Thisseos 28b residence in 198x?, saving the author from Mirka[63] and Iatrides junior bullying by calling cousin Sifis Giapitzakis at the Parthenonos 33 GoCart electric toy incidence, Smurfs from Switzerland, Märklin toy train collection (sold in 1997), dozens of car toy models, most books in the author's bookcase including 3 encyclopedias, hundreds of books in Theology, Science and Art since sold (even the very expensive bookcase itself), choosing the best high school for the author Ελληνική Παιδεία, choosing the best English teachers like Elizabeth Haywood(†199?), Oxford graduate, telling the author that he was listening to the radio when results were announced after the author was accepted at U of Patras (and providing financial security clearance certificates from Swiss banks to the author who decided to study abroad in schools that wanted financial clearance records in advance to deciding acceptance), enrolling this author to the best kindergarten[Ziridis] and grade school at the time[Maraslion], sending at least twice the author as a camping host to the Agios Andreas camping grounds auspiced and funded back then by the Ministry of Education & Religion, allowing the author's family to spend confortable and educational vacations at the Agios Kosmas athletic installations, providing the author with some of the best Mathematics teachers[58] in the country for private and general tutoring, providing the author with many archive photos and testaments that helped the composition of these refs (6.2. below), keeping the author safe from "name"'s dubious intentions throughout the years 1973-1986, having pre- informed the police about this author's security priority, from foreign (albanian/turkish) and local (communist agents) and from local/American agents in the US[130], after endless chasing by the miasmatic Iatrides fraud bully throughout years 1976-2018 (police patrons at the local Paleo Faliro Police Station), recommending the high school (Ελληνική Παιδεία), informing the Airforce[46], keeping the author safe after "name"'s threats[129], advising the author for a more private communication after 1983[128], and advising the Greek & American governments and related circles for his security's priority in the US while a student from 1983 to 1992 (the Stringfellow family[18] and their support for mother and the author's finances, the Pomerances[9] - employers of mother as a housekeeper in Winnetka, IL, Dean of UIC's worried call to author in 1987 after falling GPA[105], after author being notified of Father's death), etc.
      2. Expensive Amici spectroscope - found in his belongings after he died[141], expensive high quality Polish microscope (donated to Mr. Spiros Rigos's daughter since 2017), chess teaching/pieces (author's home chess board), magnetic and other puzzles (Loyd's wooden puzzle, Wang-tile puzzle, match-stick puzzles, Domino-tiles puzzles, Rubik Cube[35], Exacta 35mm photo equipment, Chinon 11x80 binoculars and associated tripod, advising the author on the progress on his recorded performances on cassete tape of Bach's Partita at UIC lab auditorium. Honorable mention to this author in a letter about a decent execution of Partita #6, under the guidance of 5.2.: Theo Edel, sending the aforementioned tape back.
      3. Extremely worried and distressed upon this author's first incident of nasal polyps occurrence at age 7. Consulted immediately with the best Otolaryngologist at the time, University of Athens professor Παναγιώτης Πανταζόπουλος[96], who arranged for this author's surgery at the best public hospital at the time. Upon repeated incidents throughout the subsequent years till 1979, visited the author at the hospital traveling from Switzerland and risking his safety, unbeknownst to his second "wife", who didn't want him to communicate at all with his son for any reason whatsoever[93].
      4. Extremely worried by an incident of Dora Eudemonos[39] busting a vein inside her nasal cavity - reasons unknown, after which she had multiple incidents of uncontrollable blood flow from her nose. Arranged for her to be taken, along with me, to a nose specialist to have her do an internal cauterization of the suspect place, using electrosurgery. It worked and Dora never had another nose bleed again. Also worried after Dora's sensitivity to sunlight, because of a busted iris - forcing anisocoria, through a stone thrown against her eye when she was younger and before she came to the household. She was prepared for custom-made astigmatism sunglasses, which tried to lessen her sensitivity to intense light. The iris having been busted, remained open 24/24 giving her very bad headaches all the time.
      5. Also worried when found out that his son (this author) had some suspicious allergies. Took this author to allergiologist Αλέξιος Μπένος(†199?) in Kolonaki, where the author tested + for at least 20 substances, including pine clips, cat hair, dust, horsehair, dog hair, daisies, dandelions, etc., with the most prominent being daisies[marguerites] and dust. The author followed a strict regime of having two anti-allergic shots per day at Dr. Benos' home, accompanied by Dora[39] because he was too young to travel alone every day.
    7. Excellent as/to a friend (cousin Γιάννης Ροδινός, chess friend Dimitrios Psallidas (†199?) @ coffee-shop[43], Joulis Iatrides (senior, †1977), Panagiotis Prokopiou[47], Eutychea Arabatzi, Leonidas and Konstandinos Psarakis, Martinis Senior(? and son Aristotelis), Nikos Rigos (Ph.D. thesis leatherbound book devoted to, similar to the Αλφειός commercially available copy) & family, most first-second degree relatives - except for Yiannis/Yiorgos Kombopoulos[86], Lazopoulos[45] and CIA, mother, and all the nice people who've ever said even a single bad thing about this author's Father, like Margarita Diamanti (#210-8950-102)'s suggested psychoanalyst Yiannopoulou[48].
    8. Excellent as knowlegable (and non-vanity[136]) car driver/owner Alfa Julia, Julietta, VW Carman, beetle 1,200/1,300 Export, Citroen Diane (! Parthenonos 33 residence).
    9. Excellent at restraining tobacco addiction. A very moderate pipe smoker, with a huge collection of interesting pipes, from cheap ones to the expensive Dunhill, he avoided cigarettes and had excellent stamina at work without it. Seeing him smoking cigarettes, was synonymous with knowing he was having/facing major problems.
    10. Excellent and perfectionist at his work and that of others. Forgiving of mistakes from novices and the innocently uneducated & unaware[52], [53], but usually intolerant and unforgiving with mistakes from "experts" or the stupid.
    11. Excellent/polite/patient and very serious with women, especially with those that admired him and/or were interested in him (most relatives and the ones benefitted directly/indirectly by some of his actions, such as from groups in ([31.1.]). Chalkomata (this author's testimony), Stella (teen friend@memorial), Arabatzi (geneticist[100]), Lappa (dicorce lawyer[51]), Dora's family testimony[39], etc.), except the ones that offended him (Mirka Iatrides[63], Elpida Gialeli[62], "name", etc).
    12. Excellent in musical taste. Excluding Gould, Bach, and classical company, he owned hundreds of LP records (PHILIPS 1959 release, etc.) in Greek-folk, Dimotika, Church, modern atonal, Xenakis, sound-testing and Operas. Admired & favored Bach and called him the Titan of Music. Owned almost the entire collection of Bach's works on harpsichord with Isolde Ahlgrimm. With a very rich & healthy emotional world, as witnessed by his owning many Chopin LPs, but also austere and determined by admiring Wagner's work, owning many of his operas. This author and him visited often Estia Neas Smyrnis which had several pianos for club practice, where this author performed some of the Little Preludes & Fugues by Bach and several pieces from WTC I/II, some of his favorite pieces. With detrimental finances, the author's cousins in Switzerland on a trip in 1976 (Mr. Spiros Rigos (210-9313616) ref.) witnessed him practicing on a small electronic pedal organ and listening to a PHILIPS country multiband radio, donated back later, to Mr. Nik. Rigos' family, which was later moved to Nik. Rigos' vacation home at Chania, Crete. In the beginning of this author's piano education, he chose Krino Kalomoiri and later suggested other potential teachers, like Μενέλαος Παλλάντιος, who, upon hearing of his name, was more than eager(!) to oblidge his teaching requests for his son.
    13. Excellent in food taste. Liked only the best quality and usually the most expensive kind. A great admirer of good cooking.
    14. Excellent in memory recall. Details about many advanced mathematical concepts in letter advice such as from graduate math courses: meta-Mathematical Logic, Cardinals, Ordinals, Number Theory, Group Theory, Advanced Physics, graduate Complex Analysis, like subjects in this paragraph, which he otherwise had studied years before writing those letters (1984) since he left all his scientific books to his Parthenonos household before he moved to Switzerland in 1978.
    15. Excellent and fully informed in following technology/computer/audio-visual trends. Details and curiosity about Apple's Macintosh, up to 1986. Owner of or preferring only the best in sound equipment, required for correct Baroque interpretation of some of Bach's recordings - up to 1973, sound replication and testing, and records with test/beep ultrasound tone sequences. A great admirer of good architectural design and performances, in theaters, movie theaters, and studios.
    16. Admirer of Excellent quality optics[56] and other quality scientific instrumentation, for personal or astronomy use. Among the first owners of plastic polycarbonate light-weight lenses and blue-blocking yellow tinted eyeglasses for early morning/early night partridge hunting with friend Panagiotis Prokopiou. Also [10] and [75].
    17. Always exact on time and dates (@dates on 1982-85 regional chess championships watching with this author at Εστια Ν. Σμυρνης[44], unbeknownst to "name"), keeping time with his Rolex watch (amongst the cheapest kind: steel day-date, Guarantee No: 1110206/27845, 18-5-65), bought in 1965[11], which he always wore. Later the incidental owner of a leather Vacheron Constantin ("friend"s gift from Thessaloniki, 1973), 2xRuhla chess clocks sent to the author for his blitz games in 1976, and a 24-carat gold Patek Philippe ("name" gift in 1978). He rarely, if ever, wore the two latter ones, on later dates with this author or during a stay at his Parthenonos household.
    18. Excellent on chess related. Very strong, around 2,100 ELO, with a massive theoretical background in Opening Theory and Middle Game, consisting of around ~40 (donated to Εστια Ν. Σμυρνης chess club) + 25-17+1 Books. The Gold Coin Jewelers & Importers store (on Lada street, Stadiou st., now defunct) had been calling him on occasion to test the software engines of versions of the Fidelity Electronics Prestige[42] model, when it first came out (~1984) and he beat it easily, according to a humble(2*) incidental report from one of his letters to the author[5.].
    19. Excellent at judging fine art and crafts. With an extensive collection[51] of paintings of modern Greek origin, including Niki./Nik. Lytras, Maleas, Anthis[49], Potamianos, Gyzis and Orthodox Icons[50].
    20. Excellent at being fully informed on issues of athleticism and Olympic championships, before 1973. From Chess Olympiads and regionals/interzonals[44] to Olympic Games, and football[57], always carefully watching most of tv Olympic transmissions and watching final events, after his 1976 return to the Parthenonos 33 residence till 1978. The athletic Ministry while in service at the Ministry of Education and Religion, gave him honorary extended vacation summer stay permission at the Ministry's athletic installations and training court grounds of Agios Kosmas, near the beach, where the entire family spent at least four times vacations, between 1969 to 1973, along with many athletic factors (add family photos to (family) Photo Album). This author was primary school classmate[Maraslion] to Λουκάς Μπάρλος' son, under whose auspices the soccer team AEK reached quite favorable heights.
    21. Excellent in shooting[9], having seen him hit most manual targets at Lycabettus hill shooting range.
    22. Excellent in his son's metaphysics/religious/philosophical education. Not a word ever, for/against the family's adherence to Orthodox Christianity or any other religion, allowed cousin, monk Michalis Orlandos free stay, room and board at the Parthenonos 33 residence, after Michalis turned schizophrenic monk and had nowhere to go[53].
    23. Born of Excellent parents: Father Cum Laude graduate of Scholi Dokimon and Army Officer Major[24 (pg. 2)], mother piano and painting[72] prodigy.
    24. Excellent with and friend of animals: Original family owned several pets (particularly of the small and indefensible non-flashy kind) since 1967. Excellently informed about dogs and owner of books (later given to this author) about various dog breeds.
    25. Excellent on photography related. Owner of two professional cameras, an Exacta Varex 35mm reflex and a Rolleiflex Rollei 2.8 E3 and all their associated paraphernalia, like photometers, various filters for black & white shooting, tele-extenders for close shots, telescopic lenses for far away shots, tripods and at least two 35mm replacement lenses for the reflex camera. Left a huge archive of family and relatives photos, some of which are used here and lots of photo equipment this author used in other science sections of this website.

  32. Explaining why ∑1/n is never an integer, on p. 5 of a letter in 1984. This is a very non-trivial junior undergraduate Mathematics problem in Number Theory. The author asked his class professor A.O.L. Atkin, for a solution and compared answers with his Father's notes, being clueless about it. His Father became somewhat enthused that Oliver was the author's professor (Dr. Atkin was the first to break F9) and sent his solution in the letter above, asking for a newspaper memento clipping for his records, with Atkin at his desk.
  33. Explaining fixed points of functions and having some fun with my silly Group Theory questions, on p. 3 of a letter in 1984.
  34. Solving this cyclic digits problem, on p. 2 of a letter in 1984.
  35. Solving (! theoretically - or finding the order that is of) the Rubik Cube group, on p. 2 of a letter in 1984(!).
  36. Some finished Civil Engineering work (details on pages 6-7 from his surviving CV:
    1. Structural design study of reinforced concrete underground petroleum tanks for NATO on Crete and Salamina.
    2. Structural study of Electric Station NATO Unit on Crete, against inhomogenious ground showing pointwise collapse of the order of 30 m (work cost estimate: 25,000,000 drahmas).
    3. Bridge study of prestressed concrete, of around 150 m openning against the Gallicus river, on the National Road between Athens and Thessaloniki.
    4. Structural studies for bridges of prestressed concrete, against rivers Penios and Acheloos, of total opening of the order of 400 m.
    5. Structural study for Thessaloniki's workout gym Palais des Sports, including a study of prestressed concrete (third in the world) low profile spherical shell of diameter 78 m and width 13 cm, with the addition of peripheral projections attached to the shell, and of opening 8 m. The aforementioned study submitted to professor Hubert Rusch, at the suggestion of the Ministry of Public Works' supervisor, professor Ach. Simopoulos, extracted considerable appraise for the designer.
  37. Building update instructions for cases of emergency, if someone needs to pick up at a left-over version. Even the slightest event syncronicity/time-wise coincidence after Father's deposition at the minstry, should be suspicious of implying at least one kind of underlying logically necessary connection. Many coincident events, even more so. Read again entire document and continue until starting to vomit from the stentch from the Augean bullsh*t Father had to deal with during 1973-75.
  38. (work photo album).
  39. Theodora Eudemonos (69834582278), née Mousiou, a child from a poor 10-children country-family was given free room and board stay and employed in my Father's household in exchange only for cleaning services provided, from to 196x to 1981. She moved away after my mother financially contributed to her religious marriage ceremony, around 1983. More encounters with and contributions to low to medium financial range folks in [79].
  40. Mother's cousin Alexandra - badly burned and face-disfigured by fire from age 5, hosted in Father's household after his initiative for an extended period of time, before this author was born and financed for face-reconstruction surgery.
  41. File contents stored locally, because corresponding users.otenet.gr/~niipdnii/file link contents are about to become extinct (by COSMOTE_Fixed@cosmote.gr email) by 5th of April 2021.
  42. The Prestige model was estimated to be above 2,100 ELO, the strongest of the previous champions at an affordable consumer's price, like the Challenger 9 (~1900), and the Champion (~2,100).
  43. Who, when heard that Father died after 1986, took this author out for dinner at Platanos Restaurant in Kolonaki for emotional and intellectual soothing support (for name goto Panhellenion coffee-shop and ask the owner Nikos or mr George (employee)).
  44. and on one instance recommending Meri Mangrian - former women's Armenian champion, who was playing for the Russian team back then and who later tutored this author after 2014.
  45. "Your father is just a παλιάνθρωπος" - Father's cousin: Nasos Lazopoulos. This word won't even translate in English on translate.google.com properly, after being invited to Lazopoulos' household in Voula - under the pretense of financial/emotional assistance after his Father's death, and at the hearing of which this author went into momentary psycho-shock collapsus and almost fainted in front of his "uncle".
  46. Squadron Commander's call to aircraftsman author at Tripoli, 1993: "Δεν έχεις μάθει ΤΙΠΟΤΑ ακόμη, Γαλιδάκη..." (...a bit ironic or too much to be true?), after saluting the Commander with the left hand and the commanders who knew him by name when the author was at the Tripoli training ground. All records of my conscription at Tripoli in 1993, have been deleted at the command of "name" (emails to/from pubrel.124pbe/itdept.124pbe@haf.gr. Still no answer (as of 17/4/2023) to my emails from Tripoli 124).
  47. Who has been accused by "name" as incompetent/bad influence, because the author's Father and him were occasionally playing poker with beans, which ("name" claimed) motivated him to go play at Swiss Casinos and hence lose(!) lots of money(!).
  48. "...your father liked to f*ck everything and everybody...", etc., on a €50/hr psycholanalyst's "self-improvement" session for the author (210-6719-313).
  49. See also Portrait.
  50. Last saved item[79] of said collection, was intended for donation to Mitsotakis jr.(!) by mother(!) A 1 of 3/4 only extant copies of Saint George the Trophybearer icon, tracing back to pre-siege 1453. Details about money spent for evaluation and repair, restoration and history here. Dedicated as of 29/5/2021 to the corresponding local Police Station Force who kept this author safe from annoyances from 1986 to 2021.
  51. For the whereabouts of most of these, please inquire with Mme "Galidakis", who in addition to these collection items liquidated during 1986-2009, has liquidated the Ph.D. editor's copyrights (Editing house Kambanas, et. al.), now residing at the U of C in the States[17], [20], and who now requests again the author's legal inheritance share from the author Father's real estate, even after the case legally resulted in a 50% split in the Areopagite Supreme Court (1986-2020), from the absolution of this author from the debt ([14], [25]) due to debt dissolution because of limited execution time (- according to Swiss Law). Also made grabbing attempts at Father's legal inheritance after his aunt Nina-Eleftheria Ροδινού/Restaki[(photo album)] before her death, around 2,005 (personal testimony and K. Lappa's, lawyer: "Γιάννη, πρέπει να κοιτάξουμε τι θα γίνει και με τα της Νίνας στην Κρήτη..." [Author's translation: "Yianni, "we" must also see what we'll do with Nina's (stuff) in Crete..." --- (quotes by this author)]. Fortunately, her influence there hit a dead end, after his aunt left her property elsewhere.
  52. The author in 1984 disappointed by his Father's inability to pay for tuition at UIC, accused him of "...having put mother to work as a housecleaner, while you enjoy(?!) yourself in Switzerland[13], [25], [26]...". This author suspects his Father became very depressed (🤬)[74] because of that very stupid mistake, as he wrote back to Dora humbly telling her to ask[110] the author(!) to write him again back.
  53. Upon return in 1976 to the Parthenonos residence, Father found out that his cousin Michalis Orlandos - author's second godfather - links to baptism pics on (social) Photo Album - had gone schizophrenic (Γιάννης Ροδινός's testimony in 1987, during our visit to his house) and dressed like an ascetic monk had visited and stayed in the household, from 1973-1976, as having nowhere to go assistance, and had written his last will and testament in black ink on the first page of the Septuagint version of the Holy Bible[54] (see note #1 in portrait). This author remembers his Father's reaction after seeing Michalis' scribbles on the Bible, and it wasn't very good: His blood pressure rose and his face swelled like a watermelon. He was only barely able to contain himself from exploding. He almost had a stroke from anger.
  54. This Bible is now at the hands of a fraudster who came using the last name Μόσχος as a pseudo-academic-theologian/writer standby and bought Father's first major version of his bookcase's contents in 1994-98 in a case of need ([bookie]) for about 15-20 x 1,200 drahma payment notes, which were never payed off completely.
  55. Mother's report of a mathematican's visit to the Ministry in 1975, who reported that using my Father's last name as a reference opened all sorts of doors for favors there.
  56. Very angry when this author lost an eyepiece ring of grandfather's Carl Zeiss-Jena 8x32 binoculars. Spent time arranging rendevous at and taking binoculars to optics repair shop, paying for finding replacement ring and re-alignment by a certified optical mechanic. Also angry at broken high quality barometer and hygrometer, after, the former being dropped on the floor, the latter having its horsetail mosture sensitive hair threads pulled and thus destroyed by this author.
  57. First introductory experience to soccer for this author: Father taking him to a Panathinaikos/Olympiakos soccer match in 1968-69 at the Olympiakos Stadium of Pireus.
  58. Mathematician Κωνσταντίνος Σουρλάς in 1st of Gymnasium to the author: "Τα φόρτωσες στον κόκορα, Γαλιδάκη...", after this author was found dumb-founded against the board not having a clue about the Geometry problem at hand. Παναγιώτης Μάγειρας (who ironically/incidentally(!!) was also Father's tutor before his University years) at Kanellos tutoring school on Solonos st. etc.
  59. Raised under severely adverse economic circumstances[60], during the axis occupation of Greece. An extremely difficult childhood because of the war[89]. On a VW short trip to show this author his parents' home, crying after passing in front of his childhood house in Kastella around Pireus.
  60. God's response to the Nazi celebration of the summon#1: Summon#2
    High-school Track & Field Exhibition event of H! Gymnasium class (8/6/1947) - outside Podilatodromeion.
  61. He even denied official assistance even to the Prime Minister himself, when the latter asked him to bypass the National Examination System in order to push his son into NTUA: "What can we do for junior[88] to enter NTUA, Γαλιδάκη?" -- Father's response as Secretary-General: "Can't do, Mr. President, unless you summon me. Otherwise, you can fire me if you want." ([Author: Trully reprehensible moral behavior and spirituality, indeed, like that mentioned in 11. (Mother and Panagiotis Prokopiou report)]).
  62. Where mrs. Vouleutou pretending friendship to mother and family only had predatory sexual appetites for this author's Father and when she failed accused mother of stealing (i.e. denying she never got them) around 50 gold British coins lent to the family by Father's cousin, Nikos Rigos[126], which were given to her lawyer husband as a downpayment for something that Father needed[14].
  63. Only after her sexually predatory behavior was rejected by this author's Father and after the death of her husband, Julis Iatridis[64], another Civil Engineer who had cooperated in the past with this author's Father and was one of his closest and best friends. After that, Iatrides junior went into a field trip spree watering wild daisies with bullying intentions that ran through some quite famous circles. Even unto my YouTube channel as an admirer and commentator (too busy to find link).
  64. On an afternoon in 1971, this author visited Julis' apartment on floor #3 (family's residence was on floor #1, Parthenonos 33), to get something or another from the Iatrides family with which the family spent vacations on Julis' small sailing boat, Avra, and Julis took the author on his lap, saying: "We are saved little one! Your father got a very important position" and was crying with joy in his kitchen, without his set of teeth. He was obviously talking about a very high position in the Lodge hierarchy[11], [25], possibly as high as 32[101]. It's then no coincidence the trouble started soon after[102].
  65. Mother[66] accusing him as such against this author (on 22/3/2021, ask the neighboors @condo: Zaimi 34, P. Faliron 17562), and the other one accusing this author anonymously (thus implictly implying his Father is also as such, as his spawn), against the world, here, here[76] and lately through an established official report at mylife.com (since 25/3/2021 removed? [use virtualcomposer2000@yahoo.com, password: bV9PDSDfEjZ8pPS to log in]) or fake biografies, like this one (since deleted after this email), or this one[125](since deleted after this email).
  66. Started accusing him after a night on 1976-77, when she was gone (not sure where, maybe for poker play, have to ask her) and at the house were sleeping only this author, Dora and Father. Constrained to abstain sexually for a long time by mother's[67] insane quarantine requirements as required for allowed return stay in 1976 (or perhaps, by her imposing absolute/dictatorial prohibition for any sort of sex[87] to him), this author caught him humping Dora in wild gustosic abandon to somewhat release the tension. Dora was 1976-1964(author's b.d.)+10(years older)=22 at the time. Hardly a paedo.
  67. She didn't want him back, so to remove the stain of denial from public opinion she pretended by asking this author, if I(12 at the time) wanted him back. This author of course replied YES, after which she could not deny him access to the household.
  68. Author: "Don't like this piece of crusty fat..." (of roasted piglet bit, on a restaurant in Pendeli). Father: "That's the best part!".
  69. Senior, personal friend, and junior architect (pre-1986) for Father's property in Pireus.
  70. His main property can be found in note #5. of Rx Prescription, which before 1978 was accommodated by Psarakis junior, who had a merchandise store there. After he died in 1986, it remained unexploited because of the dilemma of a contradictory-seeming will[22], [14], [last letter]. He also bought 10 acres of land at Vravrona, in 1977, but this author has no idea where the money for these went.
  71. Bank Payment notes payed to this author's mother between the years 1974-75 (12x 3,000 dhs).
  72. Painting (sample) donated to the Basiakos family, whose husband(†2016) - even though disabled by cancer at the time, assisted the author in finding a job in 2005 and whose family has donated innumerable times needy essentials to this author's family.
  73. I was informed by phone by my mother. The phone call (@16/6/1986:2:26p.m. local Chicago time, from the Stringfellow family to the Lincoln av. rented apartment) was really short: "...Something's wrong with your father..." - "What did m*l*k*s dad do again?" (inexcusable response and a horribly stupid mistake (🤬)[74], deserving severe punishment, thinking that Father was involved in some sort of self-caused money trouble), to which mother replied: "Your father is dead...". After that, I have no recollection of subsequent events for at least 15 minutes. I might have had lost consciousness, don't remember exactly. I am very sorry dad(8*). I had no idea what "father" meant at the time, so I responded in an inexcusable semi-joking/jesting way. I should have known better at the age of 22.
  74. Emoji (throughout this website) from: fsymbols.
  75. Highly knowledgable on the subject of Spectroscopy and Optical Engineering, as well. A later study using the aforementioned Amici spectroscope[31.6.2.], is referenced on Wikipedia as close to virtual proof that the term "full-spectrum lamp" is bogus and aimed at defrauding unware consumers: It's not a coincidence therefore that when this author visited the Ministry[(Cretan)] sometime in 1971, the first floor's decorative plants were illuminated by HPLR 125W flood-light Mercury Vapor Lamps ([17] in here), which were at the time amongst the best and cheapest choices for efficient plant growth, emitting at wavelengths that match the Photosynthesis curve.
  76. Possibly related to the problems I had with my name's use and reputation, since 1986. The last name "Galidakis". How many "Γαλιδάκης"-ses on record, pre-1973: Eleftherios Pan. Galidakis (†1941). Only 3 official records recorded on OTE phone book catalog in 1973, Parthenonos 33. Father of this author, Maria/Mary(?) Galidaki - dermatologist/aestheticist (probably † today) - visited by this author to cure his acne in 1998 in Kolonaki, and Γιάννης Γαλιδάκης († of DEH), possibly also a pre-war(†) diabolical school director (who taxes students for cheeses, wine and money (and then fails them(!?))) Π. Γαλιδάκης. How many today: Ζωή Γαλιδάκη, Δημήτριος Γαλιδάκης doctor (under medical category Removal of Nasal Polypses (?!)), another Dimitris Galidakis also doctor, with a fake photo and insinuating anti-dictatorship communist intentions (high school graduate of Δ' Pireus Gymnasium(!) - Father was Γ' of Pireus), a Μιχάλης Γαλιδάκης (Αγίου Αλεξάνδρου, P. Faliro video-shop in 1999 - personal contact), another Michael Galidakis autodealer operator, an Αναστάσιος Γαλιδάκης, Παναγιώτης Γαλιδάκης, κλπ. along with some more "famous" ones: Nikos Galidakis, topographer/agronomist of the Cadastre embezzlement fraud (two photos for the same person(?!) or is it the same person aged?) which finally went unpunished and with a dozen or so publications on TOP of my Father's name, an Ioannis N. Galidakis son(?) of the Cadastre Galidakis(?), with an officially deposited diploma dissertation at NTUA(!) about... bank economics(!), at the same time dad's Ph.D. appears on Google Books (2009) and the Cadastre - referencing the Cadastre and with advisor's name related to the Travel Agency which was payed for travelling to Findlay, US (Zedeli!?) in 1983 and share holder in Geosynthesis - related to the Cadastre's Nikos Galidakis, another Nikos Galidakis (or the Cadastre one turning commuting expert?!), a communist supporter(!) orthopedic Ματθαίος Γαλιδάκης, Marina Galidaki(s), Georgia Galidaki(s) (related to Geosynthesis(!?)), Maria Galidaki(s), Aggeliki Galidaki(s), another Ageliki Galidaki(s), Bourboulia Galidake(s), Tzina Galidaki(s), A. Galidaki(s), ? Galidaki(s), Theødøra Galidaki(s) (evil undertaker!?), ?, Marina, Mpilio Galidaki(s), Σοφία Γαλιδάκη. Another fraudulent Ioannis N. Galidakis in the US Ranker, with fake photo and claiming similar credentials to mine, who later moved to Ioannis N. Galidakis at Biographies, after the Ranker shut-down request. Another Giannis Galidakis and another Giannis Galidakis, a Philip Galidakis, at "actual" Apple, and to finally conclude, the final and longest claimant of the "name", Marguerite "Galidakis", who's now been on the net record as using this last name illegally, since she's been divorced[111] with the author's Father, since March 1986. Tracing the genealogical name origin leads to Atsipopoulo village, near Rethymno, Crete, visited by "name" in 1984 with this author's Father to attend grandmother's funeral and where Father's aunt Eleftheria had property which eventually escaped "name"'s grabbing attempts[51]. Does it maybe look like somebody's been showing insatiable interest in hosting this "name" anywhere but with the original owner? (this author's Father)? Nah. I guess I am a bit more paranoid[77] and conspiratorial than usual. Some great-great-grandmother of my Father probably had exorbitant rabbit genes and the garden bloomed riotously with "Galidakis"-daisies-marguerites![78]. To make a long story short for the intentionally clueless or mentally obtuse: Any "Galidaki(s)" not able to trace his/her genealogy lineage back to Atsipopoulo village (cousin Γιάννης Ροδινός[2]), Crete[(Cretan)], is potentially suspicious of treason and hubris against my Father's ORIGINAL and UNIQUE genealogy last name (by misappropriation and misuse for implicit reasons of (in-)direct fame gain) and in league with "name" - who's been trying to usurp and lay claim on the name since 1967[39] and will be called as an accusation witness against her, when the appropriate time for the upcoming trial comes, so good luck with that.
  77. “Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face.” --- Jim Butcher, Storm Front ("eat your face" in Greek: "να σου 'φάει' το πρόσωπο". In colloquial Greek: "to steal your identity", etc.).
  78. Exercise, left for the reader: For additional confusion, try figuring out all the in-between name connections from all the ""name"-daisies-marguerites" on the net, to get an idea how far the garden has "bloomed". Don't forget Facebook and Bing. For an explanation for the apparent popularity, you might want to check 6.2./3./4. out.
  79. Humble(3*) and quiet benefactor of several family-related friends and relatives, like the Euaggelos Gaitanou family who had their only kid murdered (just for being(!) the kid of right-wing belief associated parents) by ELAS communist "liberation" insurgents during the 1944 civil war (with the corpse later identified by his parents only from his musical hobby-harmonica found near his mouth) and the husband worked only as a Taylor for a living, by often buying them(7*) household and appliance items, and who, before their death, donated this highly valuable Orthodox Icon[50] to the family in gratitude, in ≤1964. Or the Moussiou 10 kid family who were so poor they were living under tin shack auspices in the countryside, raising livestock for a living, and who were visited often by Father's family during pre-1973 (The latter family is where Theodora Eudemonos, née Mousiou[39] was adopted from as an in-housekeeper). Or the God only knows how many other folks (including friend and foe) many alive today that took advantage of his position and flooded the Ministry with appointments to ask him to take care of special favors for them (see main biography). Many are still alive today. Others to be added here as time allows.
  80. Even against friends and family members when appropriate: In 1977 or thereabouts after his return to his first family's apartment, this author attempted to boast in front of his Father for his supposedly advanced knowledge of some trite Physics issue. The author's Father visibly disturbed by his own son's unwarranted boasting stupidity, responded only with a single sentence: "Wanna see a little something?" and called this author out to the apartment's balcony, where he asked him to observe carefully and for the first time the Cobra street luminaire of a 125W High-Pressure Mercury Vapor lamp that was illuminating the nighttime street outside his Parthenonos 33 residence. The scientific madness that ensued with this author is indicative of his Fathers' humility(6*) and how difficult would be to break the limits of his patience with the boastfully occluded.
  81. Also containing an interesting side court case story on how "badly" the police "tortured" some non-lying, non-propaganda communists during that time...
  82. As can be wittnessed for example by his announcements[announce] during his Ministerial office time - which were always in Katahreousa or some of his poems[7] - which are in Demotic.
  83. Even at the expense of inflicting mild damage to young and uneducated morons who showed disrespect (towards women or other seniors), as this author: In 1969, while on a short family trip with the VW beetle and Father driving, he was explaining some "minor" problem[92] to the author's mother who was seated on the passenger's seat. Mother volunteered a solution, which didn't quite satisfy Father's needs, so judging by his Father's quiet facial response this author proudly pointed out from the back seat that his mother's solution was nonsense and only he could solve it. To which the author's Father's response was a quick turn backward while driving and a facial slap against this author's face, followed by the phrase: "Μην σε ξανακούσω να αντιμιλήσεις αναιδώς στην μάνα σου, γιατί θα σου σπάσω τα κόκκαλα..." (author's translation: "If I hear you ONCE again talk back rudely to your mother, I will break your bones..."). Or in a call to Switzerland 1975, where he resided with his second "wife", who happened to pick up the phone at the time: "Give me my father...". Father on the phone (grinding teeth): "... and next time be more polite and CAREFUL how you talk to Margarita..."(!?!). Or, sometime after he returned to the Parthenonos 33 residence in 1976, and after this author stupidly confronted him about his financial degradation at the time: "... I am in control here! Otherwise, go figure out some more money...". To which Father responded by grabbing the author's thumb and pressing against his nail (gently), offering this author a desperately ironic smile, without saying a further word...
  84. Grandmother (link to photo album) has reported to this author that when she got up to check whether he was asleep during his high-school nights in Pireus, she usually found the desktop lamp turned off but always warm. Apparently, he didn't even want to disturb his mother with his long night reading excursions.
  85. Mainly because his second "wife"[19] refused to delay the funeral by 2-3 days so that this author couldn't get a chance to catch up by traveling back to Greece from the US where he was studying. Her excuse to this author's relatives was "(I) don't want "my 'husband' to be bothered (by the funeral delay)". A severely hypocritical and dishonest response, since 1) corpses can't be "bothered" by 1-2 day delays and 2) she had already divorced this author's Father legally by Swiss Law in March 1986[111] in exchange for all his remaining estate, so he wasn't quite "her husband" anymore after he died in 15/6/1986. Also, additionally dishonest when she visited the place of death (King George hotel in Syntagma square) in June and, claiming to be his "wife" at the hotel reception, barged in the hotel room[121] and removed all personal items like his Rolex watch[11], his ring[21] and a considerable amount of cash this author's Father had acquired from selling the fourth floor from his Pireus Filonos 46 estate[5] and for some sold property he inherited at his cousin's (Yannis Kombopoulos) company building, Alfa AEBE, in Kalithea[86].
  86. Mother reported a very heated argument between this author's Father and his cousin Yannis Kombopoulos at the offices of Alfa, sometime in 1980-83. It's is quite possible that he was eventually either cheated out of his inheritance share at Alfa - which he had from his father's sister's property there, by his cousins or was given a very unfair cash compensation for it, hence the argument. Both his cousins (Yannis and Yiorgos(†) - this author's godfather(!) - (Family) photo album, traditional Father's family and friends since childhood) were asked to be defense witnesses for this author with his inheritance case against "name", but they both refused. Yiorgos later "explains" the reason for Alfa's failure (author's translation from previous link): "Kokkalis' company made a deal with the Army(!) and took all our jobs(!). WE, you see, always proceed with religious(!) caution...". I guess when he enjoyed some higher employment at PHILIPS during my Father's employment at the Ministry, he did proceed with "religious" caution, that's why he was hired without question as a CEO there. Uncle Yiorgos was so grateful to my Father, later, his speech, face, and all later mannerisms turned into three duplicates of my Father's. Upon return to Greece after 1992, the author was also oferred propositions to work at Kombopoulos Yannis' surveying company in Kifisia. In the two months of employment that resulted, the author was soon accused for a "virus installment" by Kombopoulos Yannis that damaged the company. Note that the company used unix for its mainframe and this author has no knowledge of it, neither is unix suspceptible to viruses.
  87. The quarantine prohibition for any form of sex she imposed on Father was so severe, that she forced him to sleep alone in the young author's bed in his room and the author to sleep with her in the double family bed for 3 years. It is a little more than obvious that she didn't want to have anything to do with this author's Father's return to Parthenonos 33 in 1976. One of the reasons he left again in 1978 and went to the Swiss wasp's nest having nowhere else to go.
  88. Probably concerning his son Χρήστος Παπαδόπουλος, from Papadopoulos' first marriage.
  89. Why the f*ck did the allies bomb the h8ck out of Pireus[59], [60] in 1944 Mr. Mitsotakis & σια? Do you or any other of the "traditional beneficiaries" of Greece happen to know[7], after intensive studies at HarvarΔ? NOT because they knew through their disgusting nazi-satanic-theosophist and masonic connection circles that the THIRD, REALLY gifted[(excellence)] child was defenselessly hiding somewhere around there, so to minimize expenditure efforts they nuked the entire Pireus area to make sure that my Father never had a chance to rise to power, right? And not sooner than his most sensitive pre-adolescent age of 15 years, that is? Of course not. The opposite is just unthinkable conspiratorial speculation stuff for nazi loonies. Isn't that right, Mr. prime minister of Greece[138]?
  90. Having seen some of his left-over pencil portrait sketches, one of Josef Stalin in particular, which is now lost.
  91. After 35 years of piano practice and music theory and this author still cannot do that, without first resorting to hundreds of harmonic analysis books.
  92. Something about a problem he had at the Ministry, probably related to some undesirable and suspicious tick-like contact behavior by some people[contact].
  93. Also very visibly annoyed in 1977 - after his return to the Parthenonos 33 residence, when someday after this author exited the shower, he noticed this author's back, full of developing and pyogenic polycystic acne which later (1987[94]) developed into full-body spreading HS. To the point of swearing against the Devil and God himself via some very nasty vocabulary. Reasons unknown[95]. The only thing known - and THANK GOD for that, is that the swearing was not aimed at the author.
  94. The combination of pre-existing polycystic acne (1977), the subconscious shock from Father's death in 1986, repeating the old mistake and a random homosexual encounter of this author with someone - which caused immediate fainting for about 1-2 minutes - all applied within a year, caused Lysis of the Immune System and Acne subsequently and gradually burst into full stage 3 HS after 1987 or thereabouts.
  95. Probably related to a second more gentle attempt at Father's son (this author) via external factors ala Onassis style (1, 2, 3).
  96. Who scared this author's Father to death at the time of the first incident: "... We don't know what it is[99], but the good news is it's not malignant...".
  97. Despite the polypses themselves being non-malignant, the only doctor who knew enough about them at the time of the later incidents (13-nth, 1981) and dared approach the source of infection - at the inner igmorium cavity on the backside of the cheekbone according to 1971 X-rays - too dangerous for a teenager's undeveloped cranium, was Andreas Kokavesis(†11-05-2016), who was[98] the first to open the source of infection[127], after which about 15-20cc's of yellow MRSA containing fluid burst onto his face in the surgery room at Sygrou av. Kallithea's hospital, in 1981, contaminating the entire surgery room.
  98. and who was hunted relentlessly later for making the mistake of being the uncle of one of the factors of the MABH Episkopi incident, whose actions were deemed fascist (3 murders?) and damaging to the country's reputation. The latter was buddies with a certain "Anastasoulis", "Karvelas" and some "papades", very familiar Iatrides/(Kasidiaris)-like bully roach contacts in an upper eschelon class of this author's high school, in the class of his 3 year older cousin Ioannis Rigos, son of dad's cousin Nikos Rigos [126].
  99. Soon after of course, this author's Father immediately realized what was playing (1). It was in this author's habit to spend a few minutes in the middle of the family's bed when waking up with his parents. Upon a Sunday when the mother was gone to church or somewhere, Father told me while lying down with him:" I am very sad. Would you like to taste some of my tears?" To which this author replied, "... they are salty..!". Salty seawater and a regular suntanning regime were found later be the only two things in combination that provided a little relief from HS flare-ups, as they caused the disease to partially subside especially during the summer, by gradually disinfecting all the hair-skin pores from the MRSA, including the igmorium's nasal cavity which inevitably was completely flushed-in with it while swimming, causing a flush out of all sorts of sh*t.
  100. After which, he made an attempt later to get some extra help by arranging a trip to Mount Athos with friends Eutychia Arabatzi - consultant geneticist of Onassis' daughter, to see if they could help with his son's problem[109]. A small plastic prescription container containing some sort of myrrh-oil on cotton came home later, which had an absolutely incredible smell and helped with this author's infection, but it was eventually consumed around 1976-1977. A second item[79] intended (- by this author) for the protection of the kids at the local Police Station of P. Faliron, had come in earlier than 1969, which seems to have been sufficient for Father's protection until he was hunted out of his house[13] on Parthenonos 33, in 1973.
  101. Obviously not 33, as this position requires you to kiss the *ss of the one - the so called: "Grand Architect of the Universe" who wears the dominant ring[28], which easily explains [25] and [26].
  102. When dad came back to the apartment in 1976 Mirka Iatrides smelled fresh fish smoke rising and made a move. After she was very violently-verbally rejected[104], she told her husband Julis the reverse lie that my Father made a move for her and then poor Julis jumped the ambulance wagon with a heart attack on one night in 1976, allowing his second "wife" to re-save him from the teeth of an implied attempted homicide, when he left again in 1978[103] and headed for his twice "savior", second "wife", Madama (Mesa mazikis enimerosis) "Galidakis"[13].
  103. Interesting that dad did NOT choose to use his Smith and Wesson[21] which was sitting at the Parthenonos residence as a self-defense measure, since at least 1972, along with a metallic box full of bullets.
  104. And after which madamitsa Mirka(†2019) ordered her bloated chicken bully son Iatrides jr.[63] to hunt down this author on every single occasion he could catch him off guard, including one night when this author was playing with his new Go-Cart toy on the street, when "somebody" called cousin Sifis Giapitzakis and who didn't like Iatrides jr.'s bullying ideas very much (Dora 69834582278 and cousin Sp. Rigos (9313616) present incident). Iatrides jr. was so annoyed by the incident, he later devoted 6 whole years to being a Go Cart professional driver.
  105. Sometime after September 1986, this author's GPA fell below 2.0, so I was called by a very worried UIC Dean, who asked me what the problem was and was put on provisional probation for 2 more quarters. When I told her that my Father had died, she was very relieved.
  106. Pireus school-mates photo.
  107. Where the son of his very own thesis advisor(!?) Euag. Panayiotounakos[108], D. Panayiotounakos along with 2 other co-authors, takes advantage of his absence and very conveniently (after his death, Oct. 1986) devotes 14 full pages to describe ONE particular rectangular grate solution example using the very same general solution given in their ref. [9]=N. Galidakis=[15.1], even admitting their plagiarism and I quote (exclamation/question marks mine): "An exact matrix-solution of eqn (57), without increase of dimensions of the corresponding matrices, has been given in [8,9]. The advantage of this (their paper) method is that the inverted matrices are of dimensions equal to (m x m) or (n x n), i.e. equal to the number of nodes of the structure, a fact that requires less memory space(!) and computer coding(!). In the following, we shall briefly discuss the previous solution (i.e. my Fathers') and, in the sequel, we shall formulate and prove a convenient(?!) corollary and proposition (associated with this solution (i.e. my Fathers')) through which the problem of interaction between an elastic soil and the plexus frame is solved in a closed(?) form." I guess the X and wij solutions of multiple grate examples on pages 550-554 in [9] are not general enough solutions in closed form, since they are not in Jordan Normal Form. Or maybe Panayiotounakos felt somewhat insecure having published [9] with my Father as just supervisor and co-author and needed to re-publish just one particular case following from my Father's [9] general solutions in ELSEVIER (internationally), to justify nobody copying his work from it, AFTER my Father's death. Or maybe to help Civil Engineering computer users handle memory problems with their Statics programs which came out around that time. Here's a generous clue to the "authors" of this article: Did you even bother to read the introductory paragraphs of the ref ([9]) you are quoting? Here's a quote from paragraph 6 of the introduction (emphasis mine): "...The problem is solved for the GENERAL case, therefore: a) For asymmetrical charge (torques and vertical forces applied on the nodes and in intermediate points of the beams), b) For asymmetrical configuration of grates (variable distances between the beam axes, variable inertial torques of the beams, constant however on each beam) and c) For ANY mode of support of the grate - yet the same for all beams of the same system i or j - whether through the entire perimeter or for specific sides with the rest free.". The previous means your article case (Fig. 4) follows trivially from the aforementioned general solutions in [9]. No need to go to all that "international" trouble to outline any additional "convenient" corollaries or results that require "less memory space and computer coding". Computers took care of all that after 1984. If the aforementioned is too hard for you to understand, you might want to read section Δ' Ι. of his CV, where he explains why his general solution in [9] covers even your example, almost trivially.
  108. Other interesting "coincidences": E. Panayiotounakos (advisor!): NTUA "Rector" 1976-79. P. Theo(c)haris (advisor!)[22]: NTUA "Rector" 1974-77. Related: [11], [12]. And a truckload of "friends/peers" who played neo-liberal, philo-communist and retained their professorships all the way to old age, like Kounadis, Tassios, Loizos[26]: NTUA "Rector": 1970-73, Konofagos[11] NTUA "Rector": 1973-?, Ladopoulos, Abakumkin, etc. Contrary to all the previous, my Father's name is not even mentioned in the list of NTUA serving professors for 1968 to 1973. Made an effort on 23/5/2021 to add a correction by sending an email to the list maintainer, "professor" Demetris Koutsoyiannis(@dk@ntua.gr), also subsequently sent to "chair in substitude" list maintainer@NTUA Nikos Lagaros (nikos.lagaros@gmail.com), Bcc'd to some of the Political Factors in power (as of 7/6/2021) (email_1, email_2), for adding my Father to the list. Result: dk@ntua.gr dissapears to Argentina. nikos.lagaros@gmail.com posts gobledygook nonsense "update" instead of "correction"[114]. Looks like some people suddenly disappeared without a trace after my last two emails. Probably didn't very much like the idea of being associated with the name "Nikolaos Ioan. Galidakis" after reading this Biography.
  109. The pressure in 1972 from his son's infection and polypses and in the Ministry was so intense, that he developed high blood pressure and consequently arranged a second trip to Thessaloniki in 1972-3 for a cardiac examination, where he suffered a momentary cardiac arrest after a short bypass while the stent was in his right ventricle, under "cardiologist" Dimitris Valtis.
  110. Another bit of proof for his humility(12*), the excellence of his character[31.1], and excellent raising behavior towards his son (this author): I insulted him badly through a letter with a non-rigorous lie from lack of information at the time and he responded by not even contacting me directly, rather by calling Dora to ASK me(!) to reconsider writing back to him!
  111. Divorce between my Father and mother, 4-2-1976. Subsequent marriage with "name", 1978. Divorce between my Father and "name", March 1986, 3 months before his death: 15/6/1986 (for copies of the latter, please consult this author's lawyer. D. Lappas (6974384331)). Proof that Father was extorted for money[Last letter 1] in exchange for a divorce around March 1986. [Last Letter 2] from Father in March 1986 contradicting will's requirements for this author. The fight for the will's legal validation lasted 30 years and the Supreme Court ordered a 50-50 split between "name" and this author. "name" however was not pleased with the result, so she initiated a second case[5] against my legal share in 2020 insisting that the debt should be repayed in full via my legal inheritence share as a counter payment to the original debt, absolved by the Supreme Court as of 2020 via time restriction of 30 years of passing between the request and the settlement.
  112. Wiki has claimed here, that SD-666 vectorial may cause delusions/brain damage and/or death. Go figure. I'd think $teve got exactly what he bargained for (or didn't bargain(?) for)[132].
  113. All pictures/graphics of all movie company scripts erased permanently and unequivocally, before the movie got a chance to be assembled for directorial viewing. I wonder what kind of movie these pesky Norwegians were trying to make (That Father=the Nazi Matrix-Architect=Xenu? Is it a coincidence that the wife of this very wise guy $tu $tringfell🕀w is of Norwegian ancestry and I was informed that my Father died[73] while mother was working at his home as a housekeeper to pay for the exorbitant charges of U of I? Who knows, the amazing mysteries of this virulent Universe? Probably something that had to do with some sort of blackmailing my Father's money reserves or property or me? God and the Norwegians will only know, but using 666's money for illegal purposes or defamation which has to do with daddio's associates' money is punishable by Murphy's Law, you know. So careful next time with his (MINE now) money.
  114. First "correction" posted in NTUA list, by list maintainers: After much fuss: [(Author's translation: "Note: The appointment was revoked in 1974 based on act 9 of the Constitutional Act of 1974 for Universities because there had not been an appointment by the Association of Regular Professors.")]. Somebody is lying here, as outlined in [(congrats)] and in [(acceptance)]. If Konofagos (see footnote: [11]) and the school's records are not lying, he was appointed by force - by the government and no elections took place. And then all the photos are by force, like the congrats and the acceptance speech in front of the rectors? Therefore all the pictured elements are in (the joke), in the decision by the government including the rectors. That's impossible. The list's note now mentions an "Association of Regular Professors" (does it maybe mean "(A) COMMITTEE comprised of Full-professors" - which is the only group of people who can legally decide who becomes professor or not of NTUA?). I am not aware of any such "associations" at the time. The appointment supposedly followed a negative outcome election in 1970 by Konofagos ([11]). If a negative result election took place, then how does Kononfagos "know" how many votes my Father was lacking (among other things as outlined in [11])? Was he a member of this "Association of Regular Professors" and knew the exact results which only the president of the voting committee has a right to know? Did the "Association of Regular Professors" announce the exact results to the rectors, first thing maybe? Or maybe, how about he was already a rector who could influence the outcome according to his very high antagonistic "admiration" of another "fellow" high-quality Engineer AND potential NTUA "fellow" Professor candidate AND "fellow" Freemason AND "fellow" Structural Engineer, AND... (put here a dozen more reasons you can use as excuses for downgrading and formally berating the living sh*t out of anyone you DON't like and want to antagonize because you want to survive as a wolf in sheep's clothing seeing what's coming up soon, etc.[146])? In any case, it's fairly clear that either the elections were perfectly fine according to the governing body that conducted them (i.e., the participating (Freemason) Professors in that "Association of Regular Professors", that is) or some powerful antagonists (like Konofagos) did not want them to be, or that he was appointed by Ministerial Council Decree[115] to correct a rigged/faulty/unfair election and all incidental factors changed their minds after 1974 to gain the new government trust and not show up as participating in a rigged or unwanted result election scheme. For further details, please consult [12] and [25]. On (17/6/2021), we saw a SECOND correction: "... professors elected during the Papadopoulos or Ioannides govt. AND previous Secretarial Generals, have no right to claim a LEGAL or VALID Professorship, by ND' new decree article #9/10. Isn't that wonderful? I guess the list maintainers never bothered to check with academician Mr. Kounadis, who ILLEGALLY shakes his hand[(congrats)] dumbfounded by the votes he got at the Election. Mr. Kounadis is welcome to consult with this author to "remind" him exactly how many votes he got[60]. A "little birdie" told this author, by the name of dad's very close friend: Julis Iatrides[64]... An even better "correction" (as of 1/4/2022 - when this author first saw it) now sits there, with full documentation(! to justify the note's claims), so I think now we are getting somewhere, validating parts of [115]: According to the first link presented: He was appointed full-professor by Ministerial Decree after the recommendation of the Prime Minister (Papadopoulos) himself and after having been approved by the Ministerial Council (Ephemeris of the gov. page (9/6/1970) signed by Σ.Κ. ΜΠΑΛΤΑΣ). And this appointment was retracted in 1974, by Article #9, page 1520 same Ephemeris of the gov.(3/9/1974), by the "new"(!) President(!) of the Republic ΦΑΙΔΩΝ ΓΚΙΖΙΚΗΣ (Military General during AND buddies of Papadopoulos' government(!)) in amorous embrace with the "new democratic" Prime Minister Karamanlis sr.[17], who decree in Article #9 for the "Restoration of legality in Supreme Educational Institutes"[sic.] [translation and emphases mine]: "Appointments of Professors or Lecturers through Ministerial Decree or other act (even a legal Election result by NTUA's "Association of Regular Professors", maybe?), despite a different decision or even without any decision from the relevant School department, are retracted ex officio (i.e., automatically!) as of this date (publication date: 3/9/1974) without any further clarifications..."[144]. That means, the Election which "Mr." Konofagos mentions in his very popular, "humble" and "historically accurate book"([11]) isn't even relevant after all! Now go figure if there even was an election, or whether there was any "Association of Regular Professors" that the note mentions whose decision was "violated" by Papadopoulos' Ministerial Decree. Even if there was one, and even if my Father didn't get enough votes to be elected by the "Association of Regular Professors" whatever that was/is, something still smells fishy here: And that's precisely the interference from [25] and [26], by various adversarial (and/or scientific?) officials who could influence events to look like anything opposite to what's officially happened. I guess my Father was just lucky he wasn't a Professor first and a Secretary-General after, in which case he would have been pursued and paused by Article #10 on the same page[145]. You may want to check all the relevant reference links and his [CV] and try to conclude whether his professorship appointment was actually well-deserved or not (last green rectangle outlined paragraph in [pg. 2]: "... he was used by the gov...", etc.), or whether there was any "Association of Regular Professors" or Rectors' Elections of NTUA at the time who weren't secret Freemasons[26] or buddies with the "new" post-1974 governments, or whether any Election by such "Societies" that Konofagos mentions in [11] took place, was favorable or not. Or rigged for that matter. Good luck on figuring out ANY of these issues, too... If you can't find anything interesting, please email some of these good people mentioned in [23], [25], [108] and [17] to see how deep the treacherous ran (and are still running) in NTUA and all subsequent gov.s after the one by Papadopoulos. And after all this crap, note how conveniently Konofagos writes in [11] that my Father APPLIED (not the Ministers nor Papadopoulos) for candidacy for this available position, "without first resigning(!) from his Ministerial position..." (as if resigning from his Ministerial post first would make the new appointment more "legal" and he'd be immune from all Articles in Ephemeris of the gov.(3/9/1974)) and after the Ioannides second dictatorship "he promptly vanished" into thin air. Yes, "mr." Konofage, intelligent, innocent and good hearted people become AFRAID and try to disappear first[13] when they foresee that they will have no chance of escaping systematic persecution by foreign agents called in by traitors[146] from their own school or govt., and after being implictly associated with a govt. that supposedly caused people's deaths during the Athens Polytechnic "Revolt", using similar "democratically" imposed and distorted laws or degrees as an excuse for labelling them "traitors", "contemptuous" and "morally reprehensible". From [11]: "...As soon as the Second Dictatorship took hold (Ioannides), he became invisible. Promptly... He was always facing the contempt of his peers not as a scientist, but as, a spititual man[sic.]..." Your words, not mine. Instead of going out and shooting everybody associated[107], [108] with such a heinously traitorous conspiracy with his Smith and Wesson[21], including you and old "friends"[33] - who played liberal φιλο-communist duck-duck-go, that is, which is what my Father should have done instead, even before you wrote your "humble" and "historically accurate" LYING book for the Polytechnic Uprising to gain the confidence of the new "democratic" saviours of Greece.
  115. The communist "Antizionist"/"Antifreemason" Cretan newspaper "The Truth", writes on pg. 5 of their 14th of July 1975 issue [left red border paragraph, translation and parenthetical remarks mine]: "Many of whom became Professors during the juntocracy were distinguished(!) tektons(!). The junta on the other hand assigned through Decrees or Acts of the Ministerial Council as Professors to Universities people for whom their candidacy had been rejected(?!) by the corresponding University Schools[(acceptance)]. Their property as 'Brother Tektons' was enough of a qualification for their suitability as School Teachers." And on the third red border of the same page, we read [translation also mine]: "And also during the six years of the entire nation-saving masonocracy[sic.] not a single Teacher of Theology was assigned to any Greek Gymnasium(!?). From the Ministry of Education, there paraded as Ministers, Assistant Ministers, Secretary Generals, prominent(!) freemasons, like Theo. Papakonstantinou, Demetrios Tsakonas, Nik. Gkantonas, Nik. Galidakis and the nation-saver[sic.] Georg. Papadopoulos. Each one was worse than the others(!?) in antireligious[(anti-religious)] mania(!)[(anti-religious 2)], [(anti-religious 3)] and coercing everyone(!) in the Ministry into freemasonry(!)". For more on how "prominent" a freemason this author's Father was and some of the benefits he got, please consult [25] and [26]. For more on this, please check [113].
  116. After which this author sent a declining email to Dr. Clancey[117] stating that he didn't have his Ph.D. at the time, therefore he couldn't possibly serve as a referee.
  117. Who's quriously been involved with the valid retraction of a foolish math maniac's supposed "publication" related to "solving" Fermat's Last Theorem using elementary high school Algebra. Dr. Clancy is unavailable for comment.
  118. I.e., in about 7,000,000,000 years and just about after the Sun turns into a Red Supergiant... , etc.
  119. Only chose the prettiest/best ([135]) and only after her dating request(s). Didn't touch her at any time before their religious marriage - respecting her purity - as per the Greek tradition (photo album) and succumbed to having a child with her only after she requested it, eight years after their marriage ceremony. Didn't quite know any exact details about his healthy sexual orientation towards women (only), except on a rare occasion when I was guest-invited to dinner at a Kallithea restaurant in the Summer of 1982 or thereabouts, when he was on a break from Switzerland and had come to see me. After he asked me of some of my favorite Classical Composers, one of the names I mentioned subsequently, earned me a: "What?! You like the music of that c#l@ssal d*rty f%gg*t[120]?!".
  120. The exact Greek word/phrase he used is not translatable into English using translate.google.com. and it's been a while since I've heard such spoken in Athens, Greece. Not even against this author[94].
  121. And who according to Fotios' valid testimony (as a diligent theosophist-wannabe student) probably performed a very interesting "instant" memorial ceremony inside the very room my Father died in (Go figure what kind[19] of ceremony...). When time allows, I plan on identifying the hotel clerk who let her in his room and ask him personally. His name must be on record as a King George's clerk on duty at most 3 days before my Father's funeral, which I missed because of her insistence that he should be buried ASAP, before I could make it to this funeral service. I did check myself sometime later, around July 15, 1986, but I only found a very scared one who admitted to me and I quote: "... Please, we would appreciate it if you don't involve us in this, legally. She told us she was his "wife"...".
  122. Dead according at least 1 person's testimony, the author's cousin Spyros Rigos, who saw the actual corpse inside the coffin, sitting inside the Church.
  123. (Removed after correction on NTUA list).
  124. Letter from Geneva, dated 26/11/84 (this author's translation of boxed contents): "... I was really distressed with the idées fixes that have been stuck in your mind, zionism and other trivials!! And because with the books you say you are looking for, they may target you as an element that wants to harm the Hebraic community, you will suddenly find yourself in our sweet country (may it go to the devil) without being aware of it. Never mind such stuff my child, now, and try to finish and try to get a PhD to see what you can do. PhD's aren't for those whose interests are distributed in areas tangential to the imaginary (and the absurd!!). But we must discuss these from close and not through letters...".
  125. The last one was not quite a biography, rather a simple mention of this author's name. Which means immediately that these guys are making money selling his name (as a reference).
  126. The Rigos family: Continuous and unending support throughout - Nikos Rigos(†8/1/2023), a consultant for Ph.D. translation and typographic corrections of errors in the original typography by Kambanas. Kambanas presents in 1971: 2kg envelope full of Serafino, Bleck, Tiramola & ΚΛΑΣΣΙΚΑ ΕΙΚΟΝΟΓΡΑΦΗΜΕΝΑ, and 1:100 Apollo 11 model. Slides from NASA/Ministry while friends with Father.
  127. The infection continued for at least 50 years to the present day. Here's roughly what it takes today to temporarily clear it using a homebrew mixture of tincture iodine, alcohol, colloidal silver, garlic, iron oxide, a couple of strong antibiotics and some other related stuff ([42./43.]) Warning! Graphic video!)[131].
  128. On the occasion of a local meeting arrangement coming to Greece to see the author for some chess and piano playing at Estia Neas Smyrnis - which was hosting a Balkan interzonal around 1983, in a talk inside the parked VW beetle Father confided privately to this author that he'd prefer a more discreet form of communication and away from many superfluous details given to either the author's mother or his second "wife", so he recommended that the author's letters be mailed to a poste-restante address in Switzerland instead of his actual homing address. Probably, as not desiring to annoy further either side with counterarguments about how much he did or did not care about this author(!11*). See [129].
  129. First implicit attempt at blackmailing dad, in 1973: Here's his second "wife": "Tell them to take off the name "Γαλιδάκης" from the apartment door's tableau, otherwise I am falling on the rails of ΗΣΑΠ (the electric railway of Athens and Piraeus)"(!). Right. And then you get [76]. Go figure...
  130. On occasion just as this author (and relatives Nik. Rigos and family) was about to visit Father at his Swiss residence in 1974, a young French dirty bully, younger than the author at the time, showed up from nowhere outside Notre-Dame with suspicious intentions and started shoving and pushing. Just before things got worse, a man in a Clouseau trenchcoat stepped in and saved the author from the worst ("Did he hurt you? Are you ok?"). Never figured out who this man was or what he was doing responding so quickly to non-personal danger.
  131. And here are my sincere thanks to the people (i.e. all the good and patriotic people in [11], [17], [25], and [50]) who contributed to derailing dad's family, gov., and jobs using unorthodox or coercive tactics, ala Onassis style ([42], [43]). Thanks a bunch, doc.s & doc.sesses!
  132. Making a deal with Χξς' is a tricky sh*t-uation. Best of luck with your next reincarnation project on OSXXIV, which won't be infected by a mutation of this nasty little critter that has managed to mate by now even with the *nix Brain virus and will be hiding in the net, waiting to jump back on OSXx asap. Trixie little m@ther. It almost escaped even my attention, when I was playing with it. Before consulting appropriate Legal Services for damage claims to your collapsed Apple Stock don't forget to mention to your Lawyer Firm your first computer money deal for $666. I am sure they'll be eager to offer some good and solid free legal advice on how to further contain it on the network now.
  133. On the occasion of his (last) meeting with this author in the summer of 1984, after dinner at a famous meat tavern in Glyfada, inside the public transportation bus and before separating from this author's company in the next stop, he offered his affection to this author with a gentle hug, and a strong pinch against his son's left kidney muscle(!) as he whispered: "I'll miss you...". That was our last personal contact.
  134. After taking a quick look at all the areas where he excelled, I urge you to email me any historical reference for anybody that did better. Even if it's just one area. Go ahead and give it a try. Before you do, make sure to gauge his all-* humility throughout these pages.
  135. Mother leaving after gala dinner and mother during dinner at another gala.
  136. Asking him in 1976: "Dad, what do you think of the BMW 3.0 CSi coupe?"- "...That's the car of my dreams...".
  137. To have been your son, was the ultimate Honor dad.
  138. As if this wasn't enough, communist ELAS insurgents betray[139] mother's family location to the nazis - after hearing of the family listening to radio London. After which - in July 1944, a group of Greek nazi collaborators (wearing German military suits & speaking... Greek(?!) - according to mother's testimony) barge in mother's home, drag her two young brothers - Antonis and Manos, 14 and 19 at the time (family photo album), her parents, and one other young child 13 years old, out to the end of the neighborhood's Filolaou st. in Pangrati and unload 1-2 fully automatic machine gun rounds on her two brothers and the child.
  139. This person's mother, Eleni (supposedly a "close" friend to mother since childhood - according to mother's photos) to mother's family: "Get out of here, they are going to kill you when they find out you live here...!". That's a very nice and warm "warning" to a childhood 15-year old friend, wouldn't you say?... It's probably just a coincidence that about one-two weeks after this warning, mother's brothers got shovelled on the asphalt, as in [138].
  140. Never heard him complain about or accuse anyone or anyone's ideology. From people and Philosophers to Nations that have gone rogue[59], only either good words or silence. Even for areas he didn't like, the worse was [4o], and [13]. See also [31] and [6.9].
  141. In 1977, we had a couple of discussions about obtaining a spectroscope, and he did look around for some interesting pieces - the brochures of which I remember, but their value was prohibitive. Particularly the Zeiss double entry point one with one tube carrying the grading scale.
  142. How do I feel today? Not very happy[143]. Particularly when I am reminded of the dates: 20/4/1889, 11/1/1944, 16/6/1986 and all the associated historically documented crud ([11], [12], [13], [17], [18], [25], [26], [30]) that impinged on my Father's life against all his humble efforts for a better universal tomorrow. There's only one worthwhile reward for any male, including this author: For your father to say one day: "I am proud of you. You have done well". But no matter how much work I do, there's no way I can ever be like my Father (favorite), so I don't expect this reward to come anytime soon[16], sooner than, let's say, Rev. 9. Otherwise, it's something like Abrahami's First & Second Fundamental Laws for the Existence of God in Life's Murphy's Law.
  143. We have an old adage colloquialism here: "Ποπά παιδίν δαβόλ' εγγόν...". Try translate.google.com on that and then maybe draw your conclusions about who's who here.
  144. Now that what I call a very "democratically" and "legally" acceptable effort from any "new democratic" government "4 restoration of legality in Supreme Educational Institutes". That is, without first checking appropriate credentials[CV], publications[15], University-level Professor Experience, work done for Greece[4o], and by only arbitrarily deciding by virtue of association with any prior undesirables who happened to fire 2 kindergarten teacher communists, after you become Prime Minister, and after voting for Greece's Communist party (KKE) to become Parliamentary legal post-1974. Please send your favorite Congratulations and Thanks to Greece's great Ethnic Leader, mr. Konstantinos Karamanlis (†RIP) and all subsequent ND Prime Minsters[17] like mr. Kyria-CooL-is Mistotakis and all other internal or foreign beneficial factors in [11], [12], [18], [25], [26], who've benefited Greece with greater work than that of my Father, particularly financially. In Politics, Civil and NATO Engineering, and Public Education, among other things. Or after being employed by later leftist governments here to "improve Military Hospitals" as "Security Advisors" for the Ministry of Defense[6]. Please don't forget all the other engineers/topographers/agronomists/doctors, etc., with a last name "Galidakis"[76] and with similar or greater resumes.
  145. Unless he was a Banker or had admitted allegiance to the "new" Karamanlis gov.[17] or was an ardent communist supporter of sorts, of course. In which case, Article #10 does not apply.
  146. That's the very tell-tale sign of the traitor to his kind. Both by profession AND country. Not only causing misfortune by interfering illegally OR legally in the processes of whatever powers that be at the time, legal or not, democratic or dictatorial, official "Association of 'Regular' Professors" elections or not, negative elections result or not, but also publishing a book with exact details he couldn't have had at his disposal any other way except through already being in an advantageous or traitorous position! And then he proves his antagonist in noodle power was an "immoral"[excellence] and "despicable"([61]) man in one paragraph! Even if he knew of the exact details, that the votes were indeed insufficient, the election result was negative, or even if the election was rigged. This dude did it: He not only interfered unfavorably against superior intelligence - even if he didn't, he went and ANNOUNCED PUBLICALLY whatever heresy was involved with exact BOOK data to back up his lies that my Father was "immoral" and "despicable". AND to make a profit from a book as a... Minister of Industry? Data he couldn't possibly have known unless he already had an influential position that allowed him access to and/or manipulation of such data (Already professor by 1969 AND substitute rector of NTUA, by 1970?). This way, he not only betrayed someone more qualified in noodle power than what he was, but he also betrayed all his Freemason connections, all his NTUA Professor fellows, AND all Papadopoulos loyals, who tried to improve Greece's Industry and Energy Infrastructure. GOOD JOB, Mr. Konofagos! No wonder the position of Minister of Industry was reserved for your ilk by the new ND "democratic" gov. of 1974. Wonder what all his secret "brothers" at the Lodge think about this guy and why he isn't mentioned as a "distinguished Greek Freemason", like fellow NTUA professor A. Loizos[26], after he's already mentioned in Wiki as someone who's "rightfully considered to be of fundamental importance to the establishment of Greece's Metallurgical Science.".
  147. Kind request by this author for explanations to the King George hotel management for some of "name"s performed actions, immediately after my Father's death, and prior to me receiving any notification about the whereabouts of his body and/or personal belongings.